Kentyou is proud to announce that we have been selected to take part in Phase 1 of AI4Cities, an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project, aiming to help cities accelerate their transition towards carbon neutrality. The project is looking for AI solutions that can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the fields of mobility and energy, two domains responsible for 82% of all greenhouse gas emissions in European cities.

The AI4Cities Buyers Group consists of lead procurer Forum Virium Helsinki (representing the city of Helsinki), Cap Digital (representing Paris Region), the city of Amsterdam, the city of Copenhagen, the city of Stavanger and the city of Tallinn. These six cities and regions have developed ambitious strategies and policy plans to become carbon neutral by – at latest – 2050. In AI4Cities they joined forces to go through a PCP process, aiming to procure non-market ready solutions which can help them accelerate their transition to carbon neutrality by utilising artificial intelligence and related enabling technologies – such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing and IoT.

Following AI4Cities’ Request for Tenders on 01.12.2020 Kentyou was one of the 54 companies to submit an application for AI4Cities mobility challenge. Following a thorough evaluation by the AI4Cities Buyers Group, Kentyou was among the 21 suppliers selected for the mobility challenge. We will now participate in the project’s Solution Design Phase, during which in the next three months they will work on a full plan for the development of a prototype using the sensiNact platform.
In this project, Kentyou proposes to bring a horizontal data and application platform which will embrace a variety of mobility related solutions reducing the CO2 emissions in cities. However, Kentyou will not provide only this horizontal platform, but will also provide three applications from the above-mentioned sub-challenges (Mobility as a Service, Traffic Flow Optimisation and Carbon Impact Monitoring), which will directly and indirectly contribute to the reduction of CO2 emission. Furthermore, the efficiency of our horizontal approach will be demonstrated by incorporating additional data sources and applications to the platform, either already available in the AI4Cities partner cities, and/or the ones that will be developed within the AI4Cities open call context, both from the mobility and energy challenges.

The strength of our solution reside in the ability of our platform to work with a large diversity of data and provide meaningful analytics to create useful applications. Kentyou approach is holistic, and deals with a fundamental issue, essential to be dealt with in order to remove the main barriers for sustainable solutions: the lack of collaboration of different urban services.
We’ll take the opportunity of the AI4Cities challenge to demonstrate the potential of our solution in helping cities reduce their carbon footprints and adopt innovative solutions.
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