Kentyou is proud to announce that our mobility solution has been selected to advance in phase 2 of AI4Cities.
AI4Cities is an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project, aiming to help cities accelerate their transition towards carbon neutrality. We are one of the 10 companies and consortia selected. In the phase 2 we will have the opportunity to work on a prototype of the Kentyou mobility solution. This will also enable the first deployments of the prototype in major EU cities.

AI4Cities: 6 major cities joining forces to reach carbon neutrality
The AI4Cities Buyers Group consists of lead procurer Forum Virium, representing the City of Helsinki, Cap Digital, representing Paris Region, the City of Amsterdam, the City of Copenhagen, the City of Tallinn and the City of Stavanger. These six cities have developed ambitious strategies to become carbon neutral by 2050. In AI4Cities they joined forces to go through a Pre Commercial Procurement process. They are looking for solutions to accelerate their transition to carbon neutrality by utilising artificial intelligence and related enabling technologies – such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing and IoT.

Kentyou mobility solution for European cities
Within AI4Cities, Kentyou is proposing a holistic mobility approach for reducing the CO2 emissions in cities. Kentyou mobility solution relies on the Eclipse sensiNact horizontal data and application platform. It will embrace a variety of mobility related solutions, providing a global perspective on urban mobility.
This will offer the possibility to municipalities services to have a global overview of the mobility situation. Moreover, they will also to benefit from analysis of historic data, predictions of future trends and simulation of the impact of their decisions.

Beyond this horizontal platform Kentyou will also provide three applications. They will address the AI4Cities sub-challenges (Mobility as a Service, Traffic Flow Optimisation and Carbon Impact Monitoring). Their deployment in the cities selected by the project will directly and indirectly contribute to the reduction of CO2 emission.

This is part of the AI4Cities project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
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