We are pleased to announce Kentyou participation to the EU funded project COGNIFOG. As part of this exciting collaboration, Kentyou will leverage its expertise in data platforms and hypervisors to develop dependable and adaptive digital solutions. With disaster management and first responder coordination being key use cases for the project, COGNIFOG presents a significant challenge and opportunity for Kentyou to make a meaningful impact.
The challenges of disaster management
Disaster management in urban contexts poses a wide range of challenges, from logistical considerations to managing social unrest and population displacement in the wake of events such as floods, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks. To respond effectively to these situations, civil bodies must be able to deploy personnel and resources quickly and efficiently, which requires access to timely and accurate data from a variety of sources. This data can come from social media, communication networks, drone video surveillance, and field observers, among others.

Additionally, sensor networks should contribute to OODA (Observe Orient Decide Act) loops by providing real-time video streaming and analytics at IoT, edge, or cloud levels. Command and control systems should be able to manage vehicle and device fleets to optimize mission effectiveness. Access to georeferenced massive data, such as street maps, electrical networks, transport networks, water supply networks, and digital elevation models, could further enhance decision-making capabilities in disaster scenarios.

In COGNIFOG, the partners will work on improving the disaster relief response to flood events (a use case coordinated by Thales Research and Technology). We will work more specifically on the scenario of Centennial flood in the Paris area. A territory with a vast urban area, where more than 830000 peoples, 535000 buildings would be threatened by a massive flood of the Seine River.
Kentyou platform for dependable data solutions
The sheer volume and variety of information streams generated in disaster scenarios can overwhelm traditional data processing and routing systems, which is why dedicated data collection and analysis platforms are essential. These platforms enable different public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) bodies, such as fire departments and police departments, to coordinate their efforts more effectively and operate separate or joint missions.
But this requires a data platform that is not only able to gather, aggregate and analyse data from various sources. But that is also dependable, self-adaptive and able to work even in degraded conditions. Such platform must thus deploy and operate in a coherent Cloud-Edge continuum.

Kentyou will provide its platform, based on Eclipse sensiNact as a foundation layer of the COGNIFOG platform. The modular and extensible nature of the Eclipse sensiNact platform will be a key advantage to ensure the resilience and adaptability of the platform in critical scenarios.
This development is part of the COGNIFOG project, an EU funded research project of the Horizon Europe programme. It gathers 12 partners, coordinated by the French research institution CEA. The COGNIFOG project aims to address the data management challenges posed by next-generation enablers such as IoT, AI, and cloud computing by building a Cognitive Fog Framework.

The framework will reduce energy consumption and latency by analysing data at the edge, closer to where it is generated, and providing a self-adaptive framework with dynamic resource provisioning. The project also aims to ensure European leadership by providing an open interoperable framework with open APIs for application developers.
Kentyou platform will have a central role in this resilient and energy-efficient information system. It will provide the core data aggregation and analysis platform that will enable the integration of heterogeneous data sources.
We will continue to work on this use case, as well as on the other applications of the COGNIFOG platform (such as industrial robotics and telemedicine) during the 3 years of the project. Follow our news and social media channels to get regular updates on our journey.
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